Hello initial breakout! feel free to leave my face any time now. I think breaking out around your nose and mouth are the worst places and that's exactly where I'm so so broke out right now. I woke up this morning with a huge under the skin cyst that's just a hard knot on my chin. I can't even see it just feel it. Also-swelling. Oh em gee this morning was the first time I woke up swollen and it is not pretty. You can see that in the pictures:(
The corners of my mouth can't get enough moisture even with cortibalm and aquaphor and are cracked right now and my lips look like they want to peel. I've went from washing my hair every day to every other day now and it's still a bit itchy and flaky. I'm using a keratin shampoo and conditioner along with Moroccan oil. I'd never used the oil on my scalp before but i did today and it seems to be helping.
My eyes have gotten pretty dry too. I wear my contacts every other day now to give them a bit of a break. Eye drops and eye gel drops help a lot at night. But anyway here's my progress photos. Yikes.
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