Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Absorica Day 44 and 50

Day 44: I had 2 clusters of spots come up and boy did they hurt. Along with taking forever to go away they took forever to heal when I started picking-bleh.

Day 50: I'm very happy with the results I've gotten so far. I thought I had stopped progressing but looking back at the older photos I see how far my skin has really come. Also some of the redness is fading now! I think it's easy to forget how bad it once was once you start to see progress :)

This is the week before my period and this is normally when I break out badly, I'm really hoping accutane beats the stupid hormones and lets my face continue to heal.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Absorica Day 30 and 35

 This is at the end of Month 1 when I started to really see some improvement. It was also the last day of taking only 30 Mg a month.

 This is the first week into my second month kinda. Well day 35. I've been bumped up to 60 Mg a day now and I'm going through a smaller initial breakout again. I'm really hoping this is the last big breakout so I'm staying happy and not getting to down about it.

 I will say that I was afraid of what would happen if something emotionally big happened while I was on accutane. Monday my step-grandmother passed away. And while I will not say we were close, she's the mother of the man I called Dad who passed away in 2008. I feel like I'm loosing another piece of him all over again. Monday when I found out I felt very weird. I told my husband I felt off and to kinda keep check on how I was feeling just in case. Tuesday morning he forgot to do something and I called and yelled at him and was pretty angry. Today I am fine and I feel completely normal again but it is a good idea to have someone check in with you and mentally asses how you're doing.